Seat: 16", 17" Black Suede Leather
Bars: Full Quarter Horse
Swell: 12 1/2”
Gullet: 7”
Horn: 3”
Cantle: 3”
Skirts: 16" - 16” x 30" 17" - 16 1/2" X 30" Close Contact
Stirrups: 31" to 38” Leather Adjustment
**additional holes can be added to stirrup leathers**
Tree: Bull Hide covered Wood Tree
Weight: 16" - 38 lbs 17" - 41 lbs
Please note this saddle is not warrantied for roping.
16" Showman™ full rough out leather training saddle with sued seat. This saddle comes equipped with D rings on skirts and pommel to help attach training aids. Saddle is accented with small silver conchos.
PRE ORDER ETA 1-2weeks shipping (approx)
Sizes subject to Availability (subject to change)